Sleeping is one of the most important things for our health, it is our natural time for our bodies to detox and heal. Sleeping aids in memory processing and is vital for tissue growth and development of the brain.
On average, we spend a third of our life sleeping, so it’s important to understand how to get the most out of this precious time. We all find comfort in different ways, different sleeping positions, bedding, decor, music, bedtime rituals and bedroom-rules can all make a difference to our sacred sleep time.
Knowing and understanding the position you sleep in can be very important, especially if you often wake up with aches, pains, numbness or have issues with snoring or Sleep Apnea.
There are 3 main sleeping positions that most people find most comfortable. We will discuss the pros and cons of each sleeping position, as well as giving tips and advice for making the most out of your preferred position and avoiding potential issues.
This position is good for your back, allowing your spine, neck and head to rest in a neutral position, It has many benefits, but also some downsides.
- Sleeping on your back can reduce acid reflux. Make sure your head is elevated enough so that your stomach is below your esophagus to prevent food and acid from coming up the digestive tract.
- The spine, neck, and head rest in a neutral position, reducing the possibility of pain.
- Since your face is not squashed against the pillow, you may have reduced wrinkles compared to side or stomach sleepers.
- Although it can be good for your back, with incorrect posture it can cause pain in the lower back.
- Those suffering from Sleep Apnea should avoid sleeping on their back, as the tongue can block the airway making it very dangerous if you suffer from Sleep Apnea it is better to find a different sleeping position.
- As the tongue can block the airway while sleeping in this position, back sleepers may also experience more severe snoring.
Tips for Back sleepers
- If you sleep on your back but still have lower back pain it is advisable to place a soft pillow under your knees to allow the natural curvature of the spine.
- Try to find another sleeping position, such as on your side if having issues with snoring or Sleep Apnea.
- Expecting mothers should avoid sleeping on their backs, as this can put pressure on the lower back which can cause fainting.
There are two popular variants of side sleeping position; on your side with arms and legs straight, and the Fetal position with arms and legs curled towards the chest. Side sleeping is one of the healthiest and most popular sleeping positions. Encouraged for those with back or hip pain, and recommended during pregnancy.
- Doctors recommend sleeping on the left side during pregnancy, as it improves circulation to the heart and prevents the uterus from pressing against the liver.
- Sleeping on the left side can also relieve acid reflux and heartburn.
- Sleeping on your side keeps your airways open, meaning improved Snoring and Sleep Apnea.
- Sleeping on one side of your face may cause wrinkles.
- Sleeping on your side can put pressure on your hips and shoulders. This can cause sore joints or pain especially for those with arthritis.
- Resting the whole body or head on one arm can cause numbness by restricting the blood flow.
Tips for side sleepers
- To avoid sore joints and pressure on hips, consider a memory foam or gel mattress to relieve the pressure and to properly support your body.
- Placing a pillow in between your knees will alleviate strain on hips.
For more Information about mattresses for side sleepers visit our article Here.
This position is said to be the least healthy and can lead to lower back and neck pain as well as numbness, sore joints, and muscles.
- Sleeping on your stomach can ease snoring and Sleep Apnea.
- Stomach sleeping flattens the natural curve of your spine causing lower back pain.
- Sleeping with the head on one side strains the neck, causing neck and back pain.
- This sleeping position puts pressure on muscles and joints leading to numbness, aches and irritated nerves.
- Sleeping with your face pressed into the pillow may cause wrinkles.
Tips for Stomach Sleepers
- Try using pillows on one side to gradually train yourself to be a side sleeper.
- Try to find another sleeping position, such as on your side if having issues with snoring or Sleep Apnea.
- Place a pillow under the hips and lower stomach to elevate the lower back.
- Another option for neck strain is to lay face down instead of head to one side using a pillow to prop up the forehead leaving you space to breathe.
So, what is the best sleeping position?
Ultimately, there is no 'Best' Sleeping positions, some may be better than others, but it really depends on your individual preferences and requirements.
There is no harm in trying something new, whether that means trying a new sleeping position or adding an aid to your current one such as a well-placed pillow.
You might find that a new position will alleviate aches, pains numbness or even snoring.
Most people tend to sleep in whichever position they find the most comfortable. We will normally wake up in the position we naturally sleep in, so switching up your position might be tricky.
One of the best solutions would be to avoid a spring based mattress and upgrade to a memory foam or gel layered mattress.
A good memory foam mattress will ensure that your pressure points, joints, and spine are properly supported and will help with any numbness, aches or pains.
For more information on memory foam mattresses and the best mattresses for side sleepers visit our buyer's guide.